Sammelung von Rechtssprechungen in Bücher im Regal

Neue Jahrestagung zum Familien- und Erbrechtsaustausch in der EU

Neue Jahrestagung zum Familien- und Erbrechtsaustausch in der EU

event_note Veranstaltung:

E.F.L. - European association for family and succession law

E.F.L. has the aim to create a network of lawyers and scholars of Family and Succession law of the different European countries who are capable, first of all, to offer a place of reflection, as well as cooperation and assistance in cases concerning Family law and Succession law that have cross-border features.

E.F.L. will organize an annual convention, from time to time in a different European country, in order to address the most actual and relevant topics with reference to the European law and to the evolution of the individual national laws.

The first convention will take place in Oviedo, Spain, on September 29 and 30, 2017.

Detailed information will be provided to the members successively.

E.F.L. will:

  • Organize bilateral conventions in order to address problems that mainly regard two countries (for example, marriages between Italian and German nationals).
  • Favour the exchange of trainees and young lawyers for periods of study and experience among law firms in other countries.
  • Will organize translations of texts concerning Family and Succession law or documents of particularly relevant conventions held in Italian.
  • Provide a regular newsletter via e-mail to all members on the most relevant news in Italy and the other European countries.
  • Cooperate with the associations of Family law in order to organize seminars and meetings on a national as well as international level.

The first seminar, of the duration of half day, will be held on April 20, 2017, and will be on the privatization of the divorce. In this regard, detailed information will be provided soon.

Contact and fees

The annual membership fee amounts to 30, - €.

For lawyers who, in their own country, are already members of a national association of Family law, the membership fee is reduced to 10, - €.

The bank details to transfer the membership fee are the following:

E.F.L. European Association for Family and Succession Law

Banca Popolare di Spoleto, Via Cicerone, 36 - 00193 Rome

IBAN: IT88B0570403219000000307100


The purpose of the transfer should be “E.F.L. membership fee 2017”.

E.F.L. members benefit from a discount on the annual subscription to the journal Familia, in paper as well as electronic version ( The seat of E.F.L. is in Rome, in Via Crescenzio, 2. The e-mail address is:

The language of the Association in the relationships with colleagues of other countries is English.
